It requires focused effort over time to maintain good neck health and a sharp facial profile (see Chapter 10, page 40 of the Human Maintenance Handbook, ha ha I wish!). This includes muscle strengthening, practicing good skin care and promoting circulation. I feel like one day I woke up and noticed that I had drooping neck muscles that were taking the overlying skin with them in a downward direction. It’s easier to maintain than to resurrect but sometimes we simply don’t notice changes until we see them in a photograph. I’m no different. One day I woke up and I noticed that my neck muscles appeared weak. Photos at the end.
Taurine for Skin Health, Longevity and More by Deborah Tosline
When a substance, protocol, or lifestyle promotes longevity, you can bet it will benefit the skin. Our internal condition is expressed on the skin which can show evidence of internal health imbalances. The best way to improve skin conditions is from the inside. You already know how to optimize your health; do you choose yourself on a daily basis? Most folks don’t prioritize their health until an issue arises. Just as the skin shows evidence of illness, it also shows and glows when our internal health is balanced. Recently, I began taking Taurine for tinnitus and soon learned that it is an amazing supplement for skin and health as well. Taurine supplementation has been found to promote skin hydration from within.
Skin Remodeling DIY - Author Video Chat by Deborah Tosline
This month, I introduce myself in a video chat to say hi to skin care enthusiasts who share my passion for Do-It-Yourself skin and facial care. Check out my awkward video here.
My DIY Skin and Facial Care Path by Deborah Tosline
My foray into advanced DIY facial care evolved slowly. I had little spare time and money and I integrated new DIY practices into my routine when I was able. Today, I am addicted to my own facial care products. Yes, I love them all, the DIY toners, creams, lotions, deodorants. Love, love, love. I don’t know, on some level it feels like I nurture myself deeply with these beautiful DIY nature-based skin care products and practices.
Possible Sources and Remedies for Lip, Chin, Jowl and Neck Degradation by Deborah Tosline
Facial Bones – Maintaining and Building Jaw Strength with Hard Foods by Deborah Tosline
Mainstream American culture has brought many delights and a multitude of not-so great-for-you lifestyle habits that lead us into what I refer to as “Mainstream American Culture Disease and Aging". Mainstream culture processed foods are soft. Consuming soft foods is not only bad for health (=beauty) but also bad for the teeth and jawline.
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Reduce Skin Inflammation and Irritation and Optimize Wound Healing and Collagen Production with Zinc Oxide by Deborah Tosline
If you’ve read a few of my articles, you may have gathered that I use advanced Do-It-Yourself (DIY) skin care practices on an almost daily basis. That means that I practice basic skin care; apply advanced serums, creams, and solutions; and, use skin care tools consistently on my skin. I prefer to use natural healing methods to support healthy skin and I recently discovered my new go-to skin healing cream, zinc oxide ointment.
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DIY Skin Care Reactions, Observations and Responses to Avoid Skin Irritation or Worse by Deborah Tosline
There are situations that we try to avoid in life, like being involved with a covert narcissist, but sometimes we miss the subtle signs before it’s too late. DIY skin care is the same. In our goal to attain the healthiest (=most beautiful) skin, we may miss the red flags that can potentially lead to pain and suffering.
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The True Cost of Making a Luxury DIY Skin Care Cream by Deborah Tosline
Over the decades most of my DIY skin moisturizing needs involved adding vitamins, nutraceuticals, and advanced, active, skin care ingredients to retail creams. I gravitated towards products that contained basic pure ingredients. The DIY approach fit my slim pocketbook and desire for luxury skin care. I rarely used body creams and lotions; I did not like them… too many chemicals. I used a lot of raw oils. In recent years, I began making emulsified creams and while it has been a simple chemistry experiment, I’ve had mixed results, until recently.
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When Advanced Skin Care Treatments Don’t Work - Develop an Extremely Healthy Lifestyle by Deborah Tosline
I’ve read Internet reviews and skin care forum comments about people who do not receive expected results from Do-It-Yourself (DIY) or professional advanced skin care treatments. In this article, I share my opinion about why you may not see skin improvements following advanced skin care treatments.
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DIY Relax Facial Muscles with peptides GABA, Argireline®, Leuphasyl®, and Vialox by Deborah Tosline
My primary focus is to find a way to relax my constantly micro-contracted forehead muscles. Do you know what I mean?
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Review: Yofuly Diamond Microdermabrasion Professional Dermabrasion Machine for Home Use by Deborah Tosline
When I learned that microdermabrasion may help reduce the appearance of scars and that suction was beneficial for atrophic scars, I immediately purchased the Yofuly Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine.
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My Atrophic Scar Turned Me into a DIY Facial Cupping Massage Convert by Deborah Tosline
Cupping therapy is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years in China, Egypt and Middle Eastern cultures. Based on my personal experience, a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) facial cupping massage is an easy, inexpensive treatment that may be used to increase circulation, loosen stiff facial fascia and muscles, promote facial lymphatic drainage, reduce inflammation and treat scars.
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Fascia Health, Adhesions, and Smooth Skin by Deborah Tosline
Today in 2020 I still use and combine various skin care methods that are described in my book. However, in recent years I’ve obtained small massage tools and implemented a consistent facial fascia treatment. I now believe that smooth skin requires smooth facial fascia.
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Aloe Vera for Effective, Economical, Collagen Boosting Skin Care by Deborah Tosline
What could be easier, less expensive and environmentally sustainable than picking an Aloe vera leaf, opening it and slathering it on your face as a makeup remover, toner, active ingredient, collagen promoting, ailment reducing gel.
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Sugar… So Good, So Bad – Glucose, Aging and Skin Glycation by Deborah Tosline
Skin glycation causes lasting damage. No cream will protect your skin from glycation like a few new habits will. Prevent it, reduce it, and keep your skin healthy (=beautiful). If you have eschewed a healthy lifestyle but you want beautiful skin throughout your life, skin glycation may be your new incentive.
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Inflammation, Disease and Skin by Deborah Tosline
Acute, short term, inflammation protects the body. When inflammation is chronic it is considered to be the “root of most diseases”.
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Remodel Facial Fascia and Muscle Indentations beneath Deep Wrinkles with a Gua Sha Tool and Support Lymphatic Flow by Deborah Tosline
I began using the Gua Sha tool to release tight facial fascia and muscles. While scraping the Gua Sha over deep wrinkles, I felt indentations in the deep tissue beneath the wrinkles. This affirmed my belief that facial fascia and muscles must be smoothed and strengthened or it will be difficult to smooth the overlying skin.
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Are You Hoarding Personal Metabolic Waste? Essential Physical Detox – Begin Immediately by Deborah Tosline
Do you value yourself, your range of movement, your silky skin and amazing brain? If so, it’s time to adopt physical detoxification into your routine to promote basic health so that you may function at your top level. Just like the garbage, your home, your car, and your outsides - your insides need to be serviced and maintained on a consistent basis.
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Why I Extreme DIY and Don’t Buy, Buy, Buy: Do-It-Yourself for Health, Wealth, and Beauty by Deborah Tosline
I’ve saved tens of thousands of dollars and believe that I am using premium DIY skincare practices. Periodically, I’ll use an expensive cream or serum however, after decades of DIY, I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised by DIY skincare.
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