trigger point therapy

Correcting Neck Posture is a Whole-Body Thang by Deborah Tosline

This article summarizes the anecdotal results, experience and path that I took to correct my neck posture. Typically, I summarize research on a particular topic for monthly articles. Periodically, I write about my personal experience. This article is another long story about me. I apologize in advance for the personal focus but do hope that someone may benefit from my experience. In my mid-late 50’s I began in earnest to try to correct my neck posture; I soon learned that I would have to correct my body posture first and I continue today.

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Two-Years Later: Natural Methods to Smooth Forehead Muscles for Results that Look and Feel Amazing by Deborah Tosline

I hope that you are doing well under these increasingly uncertain times. Please try to stay safe against the many obstacles that abound. There is something to maintaining normalcy in chaos, so let’s take a frivolous trip into Do-It-Yourself (DIY) skin care. Here is a two year update on my DIY forehead remodeling experiment.

Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for weekly messages on health and beauty.

Soft Smooth You for Soft Smooth Skin – Soft Tissue Care for Better Health (= Beauty) by Deborah Tosline

When I think of skin health, of course I think of clear, velvety smooth, soft skin. Maintaining smooth skin is no easy feat so I practice a variety of techniques including:

  • skin remodeling – I use micro-needling, read about it here; I recently began using the Flex Effect Cross Stretching™ method

  • smooth underlying fascia – read about fascia remodeling here

  • exercise and massage muscles beneath the fascia – check it out here

  • maintain smooth soft tissue in the body to reduce pain, discomfort and tension which may be reflected in the soft tissue of the face

Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for daily messages on health and beauty.

Are You Hoarding Personal Metabolic Waste? Essential Physical Detox – Begin Immediately by Deborah Tosline

Do you value yourself, your range of movement, your silky skin and amazing brain? If so, it’s time to adopt physical detoxification into your routine to promote basic health so that you may function at your top level. Just like the garbage, your home, your car, and your outsides - your insides need to be serviced and maintained on a consistent basis.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

Natural Methods to Smooth Forehead Muscles for Results that Look and Feel Amazing by Deborah Tosline

Determined to naturally smooth my forehead, I developed an evolving routine to smooth the muscles and overlying skin. The routine has a forehead focus combining several practices and expanding on techniques developed by Sanford Bennett (1841-1926) who, I’ve mentioned before, remodeled his entire body.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook