neck posture

Exercise, Skin Care and Lymphatic Massage to Enhance Neck Appearance by Deborah Tosline

It requires focused effort over time to maintain good neck health and a sharp facial profile (see Chapter 10, page 40 of the Human Maintenance Handbook, ha ha I wish!). This includes muscle strengthening, practicing good skin care and promoting circulation. I feel like one day I woke up and noticed that I had drooping neck muscles that were taking the overlying skin with them in a downward direction. It’s easier to maintain than to resurrect but sometimes we simply don’t notice changes until we see them in a photograph. I’m no different. One day I woke up and I noticed that my neck muscles appeared weak. Photos at the end.

Correcting Neck Posture is a Whole-Body Thang by Deborah Tosline

This article summarizes the anecdotal results, experience and path that I took to correct my neck posture. Typically, I summarize research on a particular topic for monthly articles. Periodically, I write about my personal experience. This article is another long story about me. I apologize in advance for the personal focus but do hope that someone may benefit from my experience. In my mid-late 50’s I began in earnest to try to correct my neck posture; I soon learned that I would have to correct my body posture first and I continue today.

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