It requires focused effort over time to maintain good neck health and a sharp facial profile (see Chapter 10, page 40 of the Human Maintenance Handbook, ha ha I wish!). This includes muscle strengthening, practicing good skin care and promoting circulation. I feel like one day I woke up and noticed that I had drooping neck muscles that were taking the overlying skin with them in a downward direction. It’s easier to maintain than to resurrect but sometimes we simply don’t notice changes until we see them in a photograph. I’m no different. One day I woke up and I noticed that my neck muscles appeared weak. Photos at the end.
Five Years of DIY Forehead Smoothing by Deborah Tosline
Anecdotal Evidence Showing the Impact of Extreme Sun Protection on Skin Health by Deborah Tosline
I developed a habit in my mid-twenties of using clothing for sun protection while working as a hydrogeologist collecting groundwater well information and water quality samples on hot summer days in the southern Arizona desert sun. Inevitably, I felt a strong urge to protect my skin for health and beauty during those long sunny field days. At the time (mid-1980’s), I purchased silk scarves, silk shirts, silk pants and cotton gloves from the thrift store and contentedly completely covered myself, looking like a mirage of a desert sheik wearing a straw hat.
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