Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine Free Wellness Coaching by Deborah Tosline

Have you thought about enhancing your health but you’re not sure where to begin? The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine’s (AWCIM) Wellness Coach certification program offers free coaching sessions with Wellness Coach trainees in their final stages of the certification process. If you are ready to take on a new challenge and would benefit from having a guide assist you with your efforts, for a limited time, you may schedule with an integrative Wellness Coach for free.

Exercise, Skin Care and Lymphatic Massage to Enhance Neck Appearance by Deborah Tosline

It requires focused effort over time to maintain good neck health and a sharp facial profile (see Chapter 10, page 40 of the Human Maintenance Handbook, ha ha I wish!). This includes muscle strengthening, practicing good skin care and promoting circulation. I feel like one day I woke up and noticed that I had drooping neck muscles that were taking the overlying skin with them in a downward direction. It’s easier to maintain than to resurrect but sometimes we simply don’t notice changes until we see them in a photograph. I’m no different. One day I woke up and I noticed that my neck muscles appeared weak. Photos at the end.

Natural Skin Care and Lifestyle for Health, Wealth and Sustainability by Deborah Tosline

Decades ago, I established a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) skin care practice that utilizes high quality, clean ingredients at a low cost. As a groundwater scientist, I studied synthetic chemicals and was repulsed by the chemical industry, corporations, and greedy owners and concerned for the welfare of my daughter, myself and the Earth. I educated myself and learned how to avoid synthetic chemicals to the maximum extent possible in all aspects of my life. I strive for a non-toxic, low-cost lifestyle. This is a long article, I include a link to a great skin cream recipe at the end.

What Motivates Your Skin Care Practices? By Deborah Tosline

The “best laid plans go astray” is a quote from Robert Burns book “To a Mouse” written in 1786. This quote alludes to the fact that no matter how well you prepare, your plans may not succeed. Have you made skin care plans and purchases and not met your skin care goals? The book titled, “Motivational Interviewing” written by William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick suggests a step-by-step process that includes engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning to promote self-efficacy during coaching. It may be possible to develop a self-motivating approach based on motivational interviewing (MI) processes to help you achieve your goals.

Protein Intake, Quality and Timing to Enhance Skin Health by Deborah Tosline

Typically, folks in the United States (US) consume enough protein to meet their dietary needs. Protein is comprised of amino acids that support skin health, collagen and elastin. Amino acids directly support the skin’s appearance, wound repair, cellular moisture, sun protection and the microbiome. Recent research and dietary nuances indicate that we should re-evaluate the amount, quality and timing of our protein intake to optimize health.

Corporations Make Us Sick While We Make Them Wealthy by Deborah Tosline

I’ve had an aversion to synthetic chemicals from 1974 when I was 14 (51 years ago!). At that time, aerosol deodorants were being investigated because they contained zirconium and chlorofluorocarbon propellants (CFC’s), which were suspected to cause disease. Research showed that when inhaled, zirconium air droplets caused serious lung inflammation and tumors. In 1977, Zirconium use in aerosols was banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Little did I know that this knowledge would have a huge impact on my life. I became wary of retail products at that time and with good reason.

Creatine for Muscle Mass, Bone Strength and Skin Health by Deborah Tosline

The most popular articles that I’ve published are about facial bone maintenance and rejuvenation. Bone maintenance is an important lifelong endeavor for optimal health. Facial bone maintenance may help retain facial characteristics over time. Facial bone loss is well documented and is the culprit behind my pesky eye wrinkles as a result of orbital bone loss. No lotion or cream will eliminate skin wrinkles that are due to bone loss. Fillers? Hard pass. Wolf’s Law describes the potential to build bone but to do so, the body needs the right ingredients to support bone formation or ossification. Bone remodeling requires a healthy biochemistry to support regeneration. Early research shows that creatine is beneficial for skin AND bone health.

Deborah Crowley - Facial Bone Remodeling Pioneer by Deborah Tosline

In 1979, Deborah Crowley invented facial resistance training and founded FlexEffect Facialbuilding (TM), a comprehensive program that uses resistance facial exercises to strengthen face and neck muscles. In 2010, Ms. Crowley published the third edition of her book and introduced Bone Jolting (TM) and Pressure Reps (TM) for bone remodeling. Research shows that facial bone volume decreases over time changing our appearance and enhancing folds and wrinkles in the overlying skin. Ms. Crowley was ahead of her time when she published the Bone Jolting (TM) and Pressure Reps (TM) bone remodeling program to address the startling changes of facial bone loss over time.

Taurine for Skin Health, Longevity and More by Deborah Tosline

When a substance, protocol, or lifestyle promotes longevity, you can bet it will benefit the skin. Our internal condition is expressed on the skin which can show evidence of internal health imbalances. The best way to improve skin conditions is from the inside. You already know how to optimize your health; do you choose yourself on a daily basis? Most folks don’t prioritize their health until an issue arises. Just as the skin shows evidence of illness, it also shows and glows when our internal health is balanced. Recently, I began taking Taurine for tinnitus and soon learned that it is an amazing supplement for skin and health as well. Taurine supplementation has been found to promote skin hydration from within.

Castor Oil – Historic and Enduring an Undervalued Natural Health and Beauty Aid by Deborah Tosline

Castor oil has been a staple in my home for decades. I discovered it while devouring second-hand healthy living books in my 20’s and 30’s. I historically used castor oil primarily for the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) and to treat soft tissue pain and inflammation. A recent sports injury and subsequent extended bedrest provided an opportunity to mindlessly binge YouTube videos. I quickly learned that castor oil usage has greatly expanded! I increased my use of castor oil and like many others, my anecdotal results are miraculously fabulous on my 65-year-old skin.

Complete Proximal Hamstring Avulsion and Surgical Reattachment of Hamstring Tendons to Bone by Deborah Tosline

Hamstring injuries are one of the most common sports injuries, however a complete Proximal Hamstring Avulsion (PHA), where the hamstring tendons tear away from the bone, is a rare injury. I recently sustained a full PHA, chose surgical repair and am now on the slow recovery path. In my experience, there is little information available about recovery from PHA surgery. I write about my experience hoping that this information will help others. Not surprisingly, PHA recovery involves the same biochemical healing cascade and collagen development phases for soft tissue repair as for advanced skin care.

Mewing - a Mandatory Posture for Optimum Health and a Balanced Facial Profile by Deborah Tosline

Mewing is a mouth posture invented by Dr. Mike Mew that maintains closed lips, uses constant nose breathing and rests the tongue against the roof of the mouth to develop healthy facial posture. Mewing propels the bottom jaw forward to develop a healthy facial profile that promotes straight teeth alignment, supports the nose and cheeks, widens the upper jaw and provides access to a full airway for better breathing. I began mewing in 2019 and continue to this day.

Period of Revolution - Happy New Year 2024, Philippe Put, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Welcome to our next period of revolution and orbital trip around the sun.

Wishing for peace and careful nurture of the Earth and all of its inhabitants.

Happy New Year!

Take good care XO Deborah Paulius Malinovskis from Uppsala, Sweden, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Avoiding Toxic Synthetic Chemicals for Life by Deborah Tosline

My story is simple. As a teenager, I realized that I needed to be able to take care of myself for the rest of my life. As a young adult, I understood that I was miserable working when I did not feel well. I decided that I would do everything in my power to maintain my health including embracing nature-based practices and avoiding synthetic chemicals.

Will You Keep Yourself or Will You Let Yourself Go – Personal Maintenance for Life by Deborah Tosline

Your belongings may be stunning and you may be a top performer, but it is all meaningless without you. Yes, all the people and things that you work so hard at maintaining do not mean a thing unless you are there to give, enjoy and experience these assets. If YOU are not well-maintained, what’s the point of maintaining anything else? Have you checked your personal owner’s manual for maintenance requirements?

My Coolpeel™ and Vivace™ Med Spa Experiences by Deborah Tosline

Last month, I completed a series of four Coolpeel™ and two Vivace™ facial treatments at a local med spa. I experienced good results so far and collagen production will continue over the next three-months to a year.

My Decades Long Sauna Compulsion by Deborah Tosline

Starting in the late 1970’s, I educated myself on exercise, nutrition and healthy living. I developed a lifestyle routine based on how I felt a couple of hours after I ate, drank or experienced something. If I felt good, I repeated the experience. Over time, I noticed that my lifestyle choices were beneficial to my well-being. Experiencing good results on multiple levels, in a variety of ways, validated that I could trust my gut instinct to guide my nature-based life path. The first time that I used a sauna, I felt good and knew that sauna bathing would be a new routine.

Review – Wholesale Natural Body Care by Deborah Tosline

In 2015, the Environmental Working Group found that women apply “168 chemicals to their faces and bodies every day”. A 2023 study from the College of Charleston, found that “on average, young women use eight different personal care products each day that can contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals, but some report as many as 17.” To promote good health (Health = Beauty) it is vital to choose personal care products (PCPs) carefully. I make many of my PCPs including tinctures, serums, oil blends, lotions, creams, masks, and deodorant to name a few. Over the decades, I’ve made conscious decisions to avoid/minimize my exposure to synthetic chemicals making it difficult for me to find retail products that I would use. Every once in a while, I research skin care and this time I found Wholesale Natural Body Care.