
Castor Oil – Historic and Enduring an Undervalued Natural Health and Beauty Aid by Deborah Tosline

Castor oil has been a staple in my home for decades. I discovered it while devouring second-hand healthy living books in my 20’s and 30’s. I historically used castor oil primarily for the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) and to treat soft tissue pain and inflammation. A recent sports injury and subsequent extended bedrest provided an opportunity to mindlessly binge YouTube videos. I quickly learned that castor oil usage has greatly expanded! I increased my use of castor oil and like many others, my anecdotal results are miraculously fabulous on my 65-year-old skin.

Sugar… So Good, So Bad – Glucose, Aging and Skin Glycation by Deborah Tosline

Skin glycation causes lasting damage. No cream will protect your skin from glycation like a few new habits will. Prevent it, reduce it, and keep your skin healthy (=beautiful). If you have eschewed a healthy lifestyle but you want beautiful skin throughout your life, skin glycation may be your new incentive.

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