
My Decades Long Sauna Compulsion by Deborah Tosline

Starting in the late 1970’s, I educated myself on exercise, nutrition and healthy living. I developed a lifestyle routine based on how I felt a couple of hours after I ate, drank or experienced something. If I felt good, I repeated the experience. Over time, I noticed that my lifestyle choices were beneficial to my well-being. Experiencing good results on multiple levels, in a variety of ways, validated that I could trust my gut instinct to guide my nature-based life path. The first time that I used a sauna, I felt good and knew that sauna bathing would be a new routine.

When Advanced Skin Care Treatments Don’t Work - Develop an Extremely Healthy Lifestyle by Deborah Tosline

I’ve read Internet reviews and skin care forum comments about people who do not receive expected results from Do-It-Yourself (DIY) or professional advanced skin care treatments. In this article, I share my opinion about why you may not see skin improvements following advanced skin care treatments.

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Free Radicals, Antioxidants and DIY Vitamin C Serum by Deborah Tosline

Have you heard of “free radicals”?

We’ve known about free radicals and oxidative damage for about 50-years.

Free radicals are unstable reactive molecules within our bodies that contain one or more unpaired electrons. Free radicals can pair and bind with healthy cells and cause molecular and cellular damage.

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Two-Years Later: Natural Methods to Smooth Forehead Muscles for Results that Look and Feel Amazing by Deborah Tosline

I hope that you are doing well under these increasingly uncertain times. Please try to stay safe against the many obstacles that abound. There is something to maintaining normalcy in chaos, so let’s take a frivolous trip into Do-It-Yourself (DIY) skin care. Here is a two year update on my DIY forehead remodeling experiment.

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Soft Smooth You for Soft Smooth Skin – Soft Tissue Care for Better Health (= Beauty) by Deborah Tosline

When I think of skin health, of course I think of clear, velvety smooth, soft skin. Maintaining smooth skin is no easy feat so I practice a variety of techniques including:

  • skin remodeling – I use micro-needling, read about it here; I recently began using the Flex Effect Cross Stretching™ method

  • smooth underlying fascia – read about fascia remodeling here

  • exercise and massage muscles beneath the fascia – check it out here

  • maintain smooth soft tissue in the body to reduce pain, discomfort and tension which may be reflected in the soft tissue of the face

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Sugar… So Good, So Bad – Glucose, Aging and Skin Glycation by Deborah Tosline

Skin glycation causes lasting damage. No cream will protect your skin from glycation like a few new habits will. Prevent it, reduce it, and keep your skin healthy (=beautiful). If you have eschewed a healthy lifestyle but you want beautiful skin throughout your life, skin glycation may be your new incentive.

 Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for daily messages on health and beauty.

Inflammation, Disease and Skin by Deborah Tosline

Acute, short term, inflammation protects the body. When inflammation is chronic it is considered to be the “root of most diseases”.

Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for daily messages on health and beauty.

Beautiful Skin begins with Vitamin A Almost Every Night and Vitamin C Every Morning by Deborah Tosline

Whether you are a skin care enthusiast or minimalist you may achieve dramatic results following a simple skin care regime of applying vitamin A almost every night and vitamin C every morning to face and neck skin.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

Dermarolling to Rejuvenate Lips by Deborah Tosline

For decades, I obeyed the recommendations of skin care specialists and avoided using strong Do-It-Yourself (DIY) products and devices on eye, neck and lip skin.

Over time, I noticed that my eye and neck skin were not improving or even maintaining good health when compared to the skin exposed to DIY advanced skin care methods. When I noticed this difference, I made a choice to treat my eye and neck skin the same as my facial skin and began applying strong DIY active ingredients and dermarolling treatments to the eye and neck skin. As a result, my eye and neck skin is slowly rejuvenating.

Despite my revelation to treat eye and neck skin the same as facial skin I continued to neglect my lips.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

New Year – New You, DIY Your 2019 Desires with Holistic Health and Skincare by Deborah Tosline

Hello! Here we are at the end of 2018 with the fresh New Year only minutes away! Once again, I summarize some of my favorite routines, tools and techniques for healthy skin because they continue to be effective! Its time to ditch some “products” and treatments, save some hard earned bank, reduce waste, promote personal health and reduce synthetic chemical exposure by avoiding processed foods and material goods that are easily replaced with whole natural products straight from the Earth. No doubt, some pre-made stuff is worth buying but rampant consumerism is a burden and appears to be hazardous to the planet and us all.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

Remodel Facial Fascia and Muscle Indentations beneath Deep Wrinkles with a Gua Sha Tool and Support Lymphatic Flow by Deborah Tosline

I began using the Gua Sha tool to release tight facial fascia and muscles. While scraping the Gua Sha over deep wrinkles, I felt indentations in the deep tissue beneath the wrinkles. This affirmed my belief that facial fascia and muscles must be smoothed and strengthened or it will be difficult to smooth the overlying skin.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

Are You Hoarding Personal Metabolic Waste? Essential Physical Detox – Begin Immediately by Deborah Tosline

Do you value yourself, your range of movement, your silky skin and amazing brain? If so, it’s time to adopt physical detoxification into your routine to promote basic health so that you may function at your top level. Just like the garbage, your home, your car, and your outsides - your insides need to be serviced and maintained on a consistent basis.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

Why I Extreme DIY and Don’t Buy, Buy, Buy: Do-It-Yourself for Health, Wealth, and Beauty by Deborah Tosline

I’ve saved tens of thousands of dollars and believe that I am using premium DIY skincare practices. Periodically, I’ll use an expensive cream or serum however, after decades of DIY, I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised by DIY skincare.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

Podcast: Body Function: Choose to Lose, Maintain, or Gain Health = Beauty

Did you have a chance to read my article on maintaining body function - presented as a life philosophy? I discussed the critical elements of the article with Eric Michaels on the podcast: Body Function: Choose to Lose, Maintain, or Gain Health = Beauty posted on eHealth Radio.

Review: Derminator 2® Microneedle Device from Vaughter Wellness by Deborah Tosline

The Derminator 2® is a mechanized microneedling device designed and produced by Sarah Vaughter of Vaughter Wellness for Percutaneous Collagen Induction (PCI) treatments, also known as microneedling or dermaneedling. Sarah Vaughter founded OwnDoc which means: "Be your own doctor" following Hippocrates' advice. Sarah is a dermaneedling expert and an investigative blogger regarding health matters.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

On-Off On-Off, Everything On, Back Off – It’s Complicated. Hormones by Deborah Tosline

All body communications are via an electrical system (nerves) or are chemical via the endocrine system (hormones). Hormones send global and specific instructions to start and stop body functions.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

Maintaining Corners, Edges, In-Betweens and Behinds by Deborah Tosline

There are a million ways to be and ways to accomplish goals. Who is to say which is right?

Here is one way to care for facial skin.

Natural Methods to Smooth Forehead Muscles for Results that Look and Feel Amazing by Deborah Tosline

Determined to naturally smooth my forehead, I developed an evolving routine to smooth the muscles and overlying skin. The routine has a forehead focus combining several practices and expanding on techniques developed by Sanford Bennett (1841-1926) who, I’ve mentioned before, remodeled his entire body.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

Body Function - Choose to Lose, Maintain, or Gain Health = Beauty by Deborah Tosline

Sometimes I practice guitar. Recently, I tried to play a riff and it hurt my finger so bad I could feel my forehead muscle frown and the little wrinkle between my brows deepen. I relaxed my forehead (will use Sanford Bennett’s wrinkle rubout later) and told my finger not to worry, it will only hurt a little before it gets stronger. Just like self-care.

Facial Muscles: Tight and Ropy or Relaxed and Soft by Deborah Tosline

Facial muscle tension is wrinkling your skin (and may be increasing anxiety). Heal thyself with compression.