Skin Remodeling DIY - Author Video Chat by Deborah Tosline

This month, I introduce myself in a video chat to say hi to skin care enthusiasts who share my passion for Do-It-Yourself skin and facial care. Check out my awkward video here.

DIY Flaxseed Gel for Nature-Based, Inexpensive, Gloriously Nutritious and Heat Protective Hair Care by Deborah Tosline

Let’s deviate from facial care and discuss hair care because Do-It-Yourself (DIY) flaxseed gel is so freaking amazing! Flaxseed gel promotes hair health, protects hair during styling, is inexpensive to make, is beneficial to personal health and bonus - it’s great for skin!

The True Cost of Making a Luxury DIY Skin Care Cream by Deborah Tosline

Over the decades most of my DIY skin moisturizing needs involved adding vitamins, nutraceuticals, and advanced, active, skin care ingredients to retail creams. I gravitated towards products that contained basic pure ingredients. The DIY approach fit my slim pocketbook and desire for luxury skin care. I rarely used body creams and lotions; I did not like them… too many chemicals. I used a lot of raw oils. In recent years, I began making emulsified creams and while it has been a simple chemistry experiment, I’ve had mixed results, until recently.

Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for weekly messages on health and beauty.

DIY Relax Facial Muscles with peptides GABA, Argireline®, Leuphasyl®, and Vialox by Deborah Tosline

My primary focus is to find a way to relax my constantly micro-contracted forehead muscles. Do you know what I mean?

Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for weekly messages on health and beauty.

How I Treated my 2-inch Forehead Laceration and Atrophic Scar by Deborah Tosline

This month I write the story of an injury that I incurred and the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) practices I followed to treat and heal a 2-inch forehead laceration. I describe the wound healing methods that I used for six-weeks and subsequent treatments to manage the scar. It may take 3 months to a year for scars to complete healing.

Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for weekly messages on health and beauty.

Isolation and Beyond - DIY Hair Trim and Care References by Deborah Tosline

Hmmmm. Do-It-Yourself (DIY) hair trims may be intimidating. I am not talking about giving yourself a new haircut, just a little trim in a pinch. I began DIY hair trims in 2019. I know more about skin than hair but under self-isolating conditions, it seems like a good time to share my personal experience with DIY hair trimming.

Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for daily messages on health and beauty.

Cost Comparison of Retail versus DIY Skincare Products by Deborah Tosline

Have you integrated at least one Do-It-Yourself (DIY) facial skin care product into your routine? If you have, good for you! If you haven’t, what are you waiting for?

There are many reasons to begin DIYing skin care products including: save (a lot of) money, use high quality ingredients, reduce exposure from synthetic and Petro-chemicals, and reduce waste and recycling to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for daily messages on health and beauty.

Why I Extreme DIY and Don’t Buy, Buy, Buy: Do-It-Yourself for Health, Wealth, and Beauty by Deborah Tosline

I’ve saved tens of thousands of dollars and believe that I am using premium DIY skincare practices. Periodically, I’ll use an expensive cream or serum however, after decades of DIY, I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised by DIY skincare.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook

The Rambo Barbie Rugged Routine for Skincare by Deborah Tosline

Rugged femininity is my approach to lifestyle and skin care.

There are a variety of ways to achieve skin care goals and assertive flexibility is a key to success. Your skin care routine typically depends on available resoures including: funds, time, products and information. With so many ways to accomplish a goal, you may pick and choose what works best for you based on where you live, your routine, and lifestyle.

For daily health and beauty messages, follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook