Renée Adorée.jpg, Bain News Service, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Deborah Tosline wrote and published “Skin Remodeling DIY: An Introduction to the Underground World of Do-It-Yourself Skincare” in 2015. Her approach to skin care is based on a scientific background, love of research and over 30 years of DIY skincare experience.
Follow Skin Remodeling DIY on Facebook for weekly messages on health and beauty.
I’ve read Internet reviews and skin care forum comments about people who do not receive expected results from Do-It-Yourself (DIY) or professional advanced skin care treatments. In this article, I share my opinion about why you may not see skin improvements following advanced skin care treatments.
I am not referring to how the skin responds to serums, lotions and creams but instead how the skin reacts to advanced skin care treatments. These include acid peels or Red Light, Galvanic, Ultra-sound, Micro-Needling, Radio-Frequency, Micro-Current, and Fractional Laser devices.
DIY tools and devices can be pricy and may not be as strong as professional systems but with long-term consistent use they can be effective. Professional treatments are stronger, may cost thousands of dollars and can also be effective. DIY and professional skin treatments cost money and time and it can be emotionally, physically and financially disappointing if you don’t see results. For those of us with limited funds and a tight schedule choosing to give yourself or receive an advanced skin care treatment is an important decision and it is prudent to consider that “results may vary”. We expect awesome results from advanced skin care treatments!
HumanSkinDiagram.jpg, Daniel de Souza Telles, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Advanced skin care is similar to muscle-building. When a muscle is exercised to fatigue, it causes micro-injuries. When micro-injuries heal, the results are increased tissue mass and larger muscles.
Advanced skin care treatments also create micro-injuries in the skin. For example, micro-needling causes micro-injuries in the epidermis and the dermis, depending on the depth of the treatment. These micro-injuries result in a biochemical healing cascade that lays a structural lattice on which collagen builds resulting in increased tissue volume and improved skin texture.
Optimal healing of micro-injuries and subsequent collagen production is dependent on the holistic condition of your body and mind. Sure, the miraculous body performs beautifully when improvising under less than optimum conditions, for a while. Over time, a poor lifestyle burdens the body and degrades health. For your best you, you must nurture and care for all the cells of your being to the highest degree possible. Make a choice to care for yourself deeply so that you may work comfortably, care for others easily, follow your passions fully and enjoy. Begin the process towards your best health and evolve towards an extremely healthy lifestyle.
Change your lifestyle to keep your heart healthy.png, Albe123k5, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Do not follow a Mainstream “Healthy” Lifestyle. Go further. Take your own path.
This new path requires that you seek and learn about the practices that will allow you to experience extreme health. Learn via reading, audio books, documentaries, YouTube and other sources. There are a variety of ways to pursue an extremely healthy lifestyle. As one example, read about my lifestyle in my book “Skin Remodeling DIY: An Introduction to the Underground World of Skin Care” published in 2015 or this article that I wrote here.
Based on healthy lifestyle choices and long-term DIY skin care experience, I believe that it is crucial to develop a solid foundation that consists of an extremely healthy lifestyle and a consistent personal skin care routine to experience maximum results from advanced skin care treatments. I am not talking about a Mainstream “Healthy” Lifestyle, I am talking about a lifestyle that is far, far away from Mainstream and Mainstream “Healthy”.
The healthiest lifestyle that I’ve experienced and continue to enjoy is hippy-dippy, simple, natural, and basic. Back to nature. I was a child of the 1960’s, listened to Joni Mitchell and Cat Stevens (Yusuf) in the early 1970’s and was influenced to protect the Earth and divorce corporate Mainstream. I’ve been a lifelong hippy type person ever since. In my early 20’s I decided that I would do everything in my power to maintain my health so that I would be strong enough to take care of myself for the rest of my life. My practices include: 30-year vegetarian with a 15 year pescatarian stint, 31 years 100% organic food at home, nutraceuticals for decades, vegetable gardens throughout my adult life, 33 years of challenging and demanding exercise 5 to 6 days a week, yoga, dance, meditation, herbs, tinctures, essential oils, cold pressed oils, anti-oxidant rich and nutrient dense foods, no soda, low to no sugar, good sleep hygiene, chemical exposure avoidance, protecting the health of myself and the Earth, it’s inhabitants and ecosystems.
For me, living an extremely healthy lifestyle is easy, I adore this way of living; it’s brought me so much happiness. I’ve withstood criticism, judgment, and jokes and persevered. Excellent health is more important than ignorant judgement. My goal is to feel as good as possible in the moment to live a high quality of life. My extremely healthy lifestyle has enabled me to: work and support myself consistently, manage stress, deal with past emotional and physical trauma, pursue hobbies and interests, keep up with my adult daughter, enjoy excellent physical health AND it has been terrific for my skin!!
A young woman smoking; silver coins represent expense Wellcome L0024904.jpg, See page for author, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
For others, an extremely healthy lifestyle may not be desirable or obvious. It is your choice. If you want to maximize the results for practically everything you do, extreme health is for you.
To develop your extremely healthy lifestyle, expand your horizons and read zines that you may not be familiar with. Learn about processed foods, chemicals in the environment, fast clothing, emotional and physical health, gut-health, how challenging exercise improves the body and mind, disease, etc. Learn as much as you can. Take a deep dive and exercise your brain to develop cognitive strength.
My favorite zines are listed below. I am not affiliated with them. I don’t read magazines often but when I do it’s one of these or something like them. As you learn about natural living, make a list of healthy practices that interest you. Begin implementing as many new lifestyle changes as possible over time and make note of your experience.
Mother Earth News - provides information and resources about basic natural living. Learn how to free yourself from corporate pressure, processed foods and a plastic lifestyle.
Delicious Living Magazine - a favorite read for 22 years, this mag was free at health food stores and is still free!
Yoga Journal - I’ve rarely subscribed to zines but love reading Yoga Journal. When you subscribe, you receive a large discount.
Natural Awakenings - great articles to support a natural lifestyle and another free zine.
To develop your extremely healthy lifestyle, dismiss Mainstream advertising and peer pressure. Instead:
seek and identify alternative, holistic, back to nature references
read, learn, memorize and plan
expend effort and resources to implement
develop new habits and embrace discipline
enjoy your new best life
Vegetables from Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden.jpg, Lithographic & Chromo Co. of Rochester, N.Y., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
I’ve met folks who changed their lifestyle after a health scare. Don’t wait until your health has degraded to make this radical change. Choose you and your life right now. Your new project is you. Invest in yourself so that you feel great most of the time which will make it easier to work, play, love and experience.
Do you know what can happen when living an extremely healthy lifestyle?
The body can heal, protect, stay strong and remain capable of responding to your needs when it is operating at its highest level. Excellent health enhances how the body and skin function, respond and heal from injuries AND advanced skin care treatments.
Healthy skin is beautiful.
Lifestyles evolve and I am no exception. For example, I stopped eating dairy about 2 years ago and eggs almost a year ago. I stopped eating seafood about 2 years ago because I cannot bear to consume it knowing that we are destroying the oceans and sea life.
I believe that the evolution of my extremely healthy lifestyle supports cell health allowing me to experience fast recovery times and achieve noticeable results following DIY advanced skin care treatments.
A consistent and evolving healthy lifestyle practice combined with increased use of advanced DIY skin care treatments and formulations stimulates the skin resulting in noticeable improvements in skin condition following treatments.
Mandelbrot Islands of Consciousness.jpg, David R. Ingham, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
For your best skin (and life) seek and pursue an extremely healthy lifestyle. Your skin may become luminous and you could experience multiple co-benefits.
If you need more information, go to the library, search the Internet, read my past Blog articles, or get my book “Skin Remodeling DIY: An Introduction to the Underground World of Do-It-Yourself Skincare”
Take good care of yourselves!
XO Deborah
This article is intended to be used as general information only and is in no way intended to replace medical advice, be used as a medical treatment program, diagnosis, or cure of any disease or medical condition. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the effectiveness of the practices described in this article. Products or substances discussed herein are for educational purposes only and are not intended as recommendations of the author.