
Mewing - a Mandatory Posture for Optimum Health and a Balanced Facial Profile by Deborah Tosline

Mewing is a mouth posture invented by Dr. Mike Mew that maintains closed lips, uses constant nose breathing and rests the tongue against the roof of the mouth to develop healthy facial posture. Mewing propels the bottom jaw forward to develop a healthy facial profile that promotes straight teeth alignment, supports the nose and cheeks, widens the upper jaw and provides access to a full airway for better breathing. I began mewing in 2019 and continue to this day.

Mewing to Support Facial Bone Structure by Deborah Tosline

Over time, my skin care practice increasingly evolved into a holistic facial care program. While I continued to pursue advanced skin care, I began to integrate facial muscle and facial bone strengthening exercises into my routine. I also implemented oral and neck posture corrections. It’s easy for me to embrace an ancient natural tongue placement referred to during contemporary times as mewing or orthotropics.

Facial Architecture, Bone Volume, and Aging by Deborah Tosline

I began my Do-It-Yourself (DIY) facial hobby in my early 20’s and focused solely on skin health at the time. A couple of decades later I changed my focus and began to strengthen weak and atrophied facial muscles while continuing to advance my DIY skin care practices. Currently, I focus on facial bone health and identifying a variety of methods to maintain and enhance facial bone volume. Facial bones provide the foundation for facial muscles and skin and our individual look.