neck skin

Exercise, Skin Care and Lymphatic Massage to Enhance Neck Appearance by Deborah Tosline

It requires focused effort over time to maintain good neck health and a sharp facial profile (see Chapter 10, page 40 of the Human Maintenance Handbook, ha ha I wish!). This includes muscle strengthening, practicing good skin care and promoting circulation. I feel like one day I woke up and noticed that I had drooping neck muscles that were taking the overlying skin with them in a downward direction. It’s easier to maintain than to resurrect but sometimes we simply don’t notice changes until we see them in a photograph. I’m no different. One day I woke up and I noticed that my neck muscles appeared weak. Photos at the end.

Possible Sources and Remedies for Lip, Chin, Jowl and Neck Degradation by Deborah Tosline

As I age, I notice things. One thing that I’ve noticed is that the skin on my lips, chin, jowls and neck is degrading faster than the skin on the upper portions of my face.

Keeping it Together with a Strong Platysma by Deborah Tosline

There are many reasons to keep the Platysma and other neck muscles strong and flexible. Neck muscles support blood flow to the brain and protect motor neurons and brain to body messages. They help you breathe, swallow, and eat. Strong neck muscles help prevent neck strain and maintain refined facial and neck contours.

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