DIY Red LED Facial
Deborah Tosline wrote and published “Skin Remodeling DIY: An Introduction to the Underground World of Do-It-Yourself Skincare” in 2015. Her approach to skin care is based on a scientific background, love of research and over 40 years of DIY skincare experience.
I hope that sharing this personal information may be beneficial to someone. In 2018 I built a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Near-Infrared (NIR) light spa and have continuously used it on a weekly basis to experience benefits identified by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) research and additional co-benefits. In 2021, my NIR light spa exposed irregular tissue, caused cell death and reduced the irregular tissue to a benign condition as evidenced by laboratory imaging.
During space missions NASA noticed that astronauts who worked in the vicinity of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), used to grow plants, experienced faster wound healing. NASA conducted research to assess the healing impacts of varying light frequencies and found that:
NASA showed that when LED devices were used to treat training injuries, the light therapy:
NASA research and anecdotal results have shown that light therapy of varying frequencies including NIR light and Red LED stimulates biochemical functions and other health benefits.
Handheld Red and Near Infrared LED device
In about 2010, I began consistent DIY NIR and Red LED facial treatments using handheld devices to augment DIY micro-needling and other advanced DIY skin care treatments.
It was easy to integrate light therapy into my skin care program. What could be more simple than sitting in front of a light? I outgrew my tiny handheld Red and NIR LED devices and sought full-body exposure for faster results. I priced manufactured Red and NIR light spas and wondered if I would use them regularly. I used a full body Infrared spa at a salon that sells subscriptions but despite several requests, they never told me the frequency of their lights. I decided to build a DIY NIR spa as an affordable pilot to test my NIR light spa usage discipline. I previously wrote about the benefits of light therapy with a reference to DIY NIR spas here.
DIY Near Infrared light spa.
The DIY NIR light panel may be hung anywhere. I gratefully placed my NIR panel in a tiny, extra, rarely-used shower and added a 6-inch Red LED. Initially, I used the Red/NIR light spa every day over the winter holidays for two weeks. When I returned to work, I received enthusiastic compliments regarding my skin! Even better, Red LED and NIR lights truly make me feel good. After the NIR spa intensive schedule, I transitioned to weekly use. There is not enough time in the day.
There are a variety of light frequencies. Infrared (IR) radiation has wavelengths between 760 nanometers (nm) and 100,000 nm. Red and NIR low light therapy between 100 and 600 nm influences biological activity. Light frequencies between the mid-600 to 900 nanometers provide both therapeutic and cosmetic benefits. NIR light penetrates deeper into soft tissue, bone and the brain then red light.
Note difference between red skin (over intestines) and normal skin tone (over stomach). This is normal redness that dissipates within hours.
I use both Red LED and NIR lights. I typically use the NIR spa for 40 to 60 minutes once a week. Following a treatment, there are usually no noticeable changes, except feel-good glowing skin, aside from temporary bright red marks over my intestinal region and over muscle knots and tight muscles. A muscle knot consists of injured and/or damaged inflamed tissue and metabolic waste. The NIR light stimulates and dilates the damaged tissue within the muscle knot or tight muscles, expands the tissue, increases circulation, reduces pain and promotes healing. In most cases, the redness dissipates within a couple of hours of the NIR treatment.
DIY Near Infrared lights and Red LED panels.
NIR causes blood and lymph vessels to dilate and expand near the skin’s surface, this may be startling to see. After the light is removed, the vessels contract. The expansion and contraction of vessels is beneficial and strengthens arteries and other vessels.
Despite my initial foray into light therapy to benefit skin care, I am now a Red and NIR light spa devotee due to all known and potential benefits of light therapy.
Infrared light therapy stimulates biological activity including:
· photostimulation, photobiomodulation
· neurostimulation, neuromodulation and neural regeneration
· cell regeneration and cell repair
Studies show that NIR promotes nitric oxide which relaxes arteries, regulates blood pressure, prevents blood clotting and fights free radicals to reduce oxidative stress. Deep penetration of NIR light improves circulation, promotes healing, reduces inflammation and pain. NIR promotes mitochondrial activity, new cells, tissue growth and repair and raises the body’s core temperature enhancing cellular biochemical detoxification. NIR, combined with antibody’s that bind to cancer cells and nanoparticle activation, has been found to be toxic to nearby cancer cells.
DIY light spa: NIR lights, Red LED panel and bonus 6-inch super strong Red LED (not shown).
In early 2021, following a NIR treatment and for the first time ever, I had a large swath of bright red skin over my left chest. Further, there were two red spots the size of watermelon seeds that remained persistently red and did not dissipate. The sudden left chest redness and the two persistent marks prompted me, a mammograma-phobe, to schedule a visit to the lab.
The visit resulted in a bilateral (both sides) mammogram and a diagnostic ultrasound on my left chest in March 2021. The results showed “a vascular, hypoechoic lesion with posterior acoustic enhancement which may represent a complicated cyst, potentially a septated cyst. A 6-month follow-up diagnostic screening to monitor the cyst.”
Staff asked me to see a dermatologist to diagnose the two persistent red marks that correlated with the location of the “complicated, potentially septated cyst”.
“Dermatology follow-up recommended for overlying dermal changes at this site…”
The dermatologist told me that the persistent red marks indicated apoptosis or cell death.
Studies have shown that NIR causes apoptosis of cancer cells by inducing breaks in DNA.
Subsequently, I continued to use the NIR light spa weekly as usual and monitored conditions on my left chest. Over time, the chest redness diminished and the two persistent red marks dissipated as well. When my six-month follow-up check-up approached, I knew that the concern observed during the March 2021 diagnostics was eliminated.
In October 2021, laboratory results confirmed what I already knew, conditions had improved.
A targeted ultrasound was performed of the left breast. There is no significant interval change in the benign-appearing hypoechoic area. On today's examination it measures 9 x 3 x 8 mm and previously it measured 9 x 3 x 9 mm. This has the appearance of benign nodular fibroglandular tissue versus a possible small fibroadenoma.
1. No significant interval change. No mammographic evidence of malignancy in the left breast.
2. Stable appearance of the benign-appearing nodule noted in the left breast by ultrasound.
3. Recommendation is made for patient to resume bilateral screening mammogram on her normal yearly schedule, if clinically stable.
Research shows that NIR light is beneficial in the detection and treatment of breast cancer:
· NIR is being studied as a non-invasive breast cancer detection method.
· NIR and nanoparticles provide a new breast cancer screening method.
· NIR immunotherapy initiates immediate cancel cell rupture when combined with antibody proteins and light sensitive substances while protecting healthy cells and promoting maturation of immune cells and anti-tumor immunity.
After four years of weekly DIY NIR light spa treatments, was it possible for me to enjoy my NIR spa even more? Yes, after I realized that the NIR light spa can help me monitor and maintain breast tissue health.
Regular use of my NIR light spa highlighted irregular cells, subsequently induced apoptosis and seemingly reduced the threat of the irregular cells. I am committed to continued forever use of my NIR light spa as an important part of my skin care and holistic health maintenance lifestyle.
Treating hands and wrists with NIR light therapy.
NASA research showed the medical benefits of NIR light therapy. Whether you purchase a retail NIR spa, NIR panel, infrared spa subscription or build a DIY NIR spa you may be assured that light therapy is a proven way to improve health, experience a variety of benefits and increase the quality of your life today and into the future.
If you need more information, go to the library, search the Internet, read my past Blog articles, or it would be an honor to me if you purchased my book. Thank you!
Take good care of yourselves!
XO Deborah
This article is intended to be used as general information only and is in no way intended to replace medical advice, be used as a medical treatment program, diagnosis, or cure of any disease or medical condition. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the effectiveness of the practices described in this article. Products or substances discussed herein are for educational purposes only and are not intended as recommendations of the author.